tourism in aceh

In december of 2004 Aceh earthquake and tsunami disaster.
but keep time passed, though there were major tourist attractions in Aceh is stillstunning, and we shall travel to Aceh.

traditional house:

The following list of places that must visit:

1.baiturrahman mosque

Baiturahman Grand Mosque, located in downtown Banda Aceh, the Aceh is amosque in Pasar Aceh community pride.
History records in earlier times in this place stood a mosque Kingdom of Aceh. Whenthe Dutch attacked the city of Banda Aceh in 1873, this mosque was burned, but todampen the anger of the people of Aceh in 1875Dutch rebuilding of a mosque that stood majestic as his successor today.

This single domed mosque and was built on December 27, 1883. Next Mosque is being expanded to 3 dome in 1935. Last expanded again to 5 dome (1959-1968).

2.lampuuk beach

Lampuuk Beach is located on the west coast of Aceh. From Banda Aceh,approximately 17 km and can be reached by motor vehicle in less than 30 minutes

The beach is quite beautiful and can be used as a place to swim, sunbathe on whitesand,
fishing, sailing, diving and other recreational activities.
In the afternoon it seemed more beautiful beach, where we can watch the sunset is full of charm.
Lampuuk Coast region, you can play golf with panoramic sea background in
PadangGolf Seulawah.

3.lokhnga beach

Lhoknga beach in Banda Aceh, the distance is only 20 km from the city of Banda Aceh.
Before stunami hit Aceh in 2004,
the beach area is quite give the feel of natural attractions and beautiful beaches.
Many shade trees, especially coconut trees that grow lined and lush provide coolness,
as well as evergreen trees or aron.
White sand beach with few rocks that reflects the blue color of the sea as if an aquarium because
it appeared the fish are colorful.
A row of food vendors and beverage under the green trees and mountains adjacent to the sea,
simply complete the beach as a natural tourist attraction.
Many local and foreign tourists every day visit the country or some people stopped to rest for
a while to continue the journey to south-west coast.

4.weh island

Nature Park (TWA) Sea Pulau Weh is based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture. 928/Kpts/Um/12/1982 dated December 27, 1982 covering an area of ​​2600 Ha. Geographically TWA Weh Island Marine is located at 0552 'North latitude and 9552' east longitude. While public administration Sukakarya Including District, Sabang Municipality, Province of Aceh and in terms of forest management Including the Natural Resources Conservation Resort Iboih and get in on the Conservation of Natural Resources Sub-Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
In TWA Sea Pulau Weh, Sabang there are coral reefs, both hard corals and soft corals of all types, shapes and colors, all of the which form a cluster of interesting reef to be enjoyed, Among other areas of coral reefs with names lupas, deer corals, coral crackers. In Addition to coral reefs, sea TWA Pulau Weh, Sabang cans be found species of reef fish, Such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. These fish are in the vicinity of TWA Sea and parts of Pulau Weh is endemic in this area. Also it found the types of fish as tuna Such economical, Snapper, Grouper, Bayan, Banana-pisangan research and others.
In addition to coral reefs, sea TWA Pulau Weh, Sabang can be found species of reef fish such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. These fish are in the vicinity of TWA Sea and part of Pulau Weh is endemic in this area. It also found the types of fish such as tuna economical, Snapper, Grouper, Bayan, Banana-pisangan and others.
Nature tourism activities that can be done in Pulau Weh is TWA Sea tourist activities such as surfing, boat ride, swimming, fishing, and diving under the water to enjoy nature with the diversity of coral reefs and reef fish are beautiful.
Some of the facilities to support tourism activities, among others: cottages around Iboih built by the community, shelters, toilets, mosque, souvenir kiosks and hotels located in Gapang. In addition there are various facilities located in Rubiah Island built by the Department of Tourism Dati I IN Aceh include: diving center is equipped with facilities (boats, scuba gear), praying, shelter, toilets, guard house, tower lookouts, trails, parks and electrical installations.

Nature Park (TWA) Sea Pulau Weh is based on the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture. 928/Kpts/Um/12/1982 dated December 27, 1982 covering an area of ​​2600 Ha. Geographically TWA Weh Island Marine is located at 0552 'North latitude and 9552' east longitude. While public administration Sukakarya Including District, Sabang Municipality, Province of Aceh and in terms of forest management Including the Natural Resources Conservation Resort Iboih and get in on the Conservation of Natural Resources Sub-Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
In TWA Sea Pulau Weh, Sabang there are coral reefs, both hard corals and soft corals of all types, shapes and colors, all of the which form a cluster of interesting reef to be enjoyed, Among other areas of coral reefs with names lupas, deer corals, coral crackers. In Addition to coral reefs, sea TWA Pulau Weh, Sabang cans be found species of reef fish, Such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. These fish are in the vicinity of TWA Sea and parts of Pulau Weh is endemic in this area. Also it found the types of fish as tuna Such economical, Snapper, Grouper, Bayan, Banana-pisangan research and others.

In addition to coral reefs, sea TWA Pulau Weh, Sabang can be found species of reef fish such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. These fish are in the vicinity of TWA Sea and part of Pulau Weh is endemic in this area. It also found the types of fish such as tuna economical, Snapper, Grouper, Bayan, Banana-pisangan and others.
Nature tourism activities that can be done in Pulau Weh is TWA Sea tourist activities such as surfing, boat ride, swimming, fishing, and diving under the water to enjoy nature with the diversity of coral reefs and reef fish are beautiful.
Some of the facilities to support tourism activities, among others: cottages around Iboih built by the community, shelters, toilets, mosque, souvenir kiosks and hotels located in Gapang. In addition there are various facilities located in Rubiah Island built by the Department of Tourism Dati I IN Aceh include: diving center is equipped with facilities (boats, scuba gear), praying, shelter, toilets, guard house, tower lookouts, trails, parks and electrical installations.

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